Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Long Way Home When Charged With A Los Angeles DUI or DWI Involving a Motorcycle

Image : http://www.flickr.com

What might start out as a fun evening with friends can turn into a long way home when charged with a DUI or DWI involving a motorcycle, as it can be a life changing event for several years of your life and maybe longer.

Once you get behind the wheel even after drinking a few social drinks with friends you might be stopped by the police, given a field sobriety test and then arrested. While you may feel fine the law may not agree with that.

This can be a life changing event, one that can cost you your employment in some cases, one that will enter you into the court system and can cause the suspension of your drivers license.

When you have been stopped in Universal City for a diving under the influence or driving while intoxicated charge you maybe asked to take a field sobriety test, this can consist of several different things including standing on one foot and counting or one of the better known is walking a line with feet from heel to toe.

After this test you maybe arrested and taken to be booked as well as asked to take one of the chemical tests, which can be blood, urine or a Breathalyzer test.

This is the beginning of things changing in your life not only as a driver but also in other areas of your life; it will affect your pocket. There will be fines, there will be probation costs and there will also be costs incurred where your family is concerned.

While this is a bad situation when an experienced DUI/DWI attorney is hired to represent you there are many ways that they have to build your case, they know the laws in this area. They have experience with these types of cases and they will also to the DMV hearing to represent you so that you may not lose your driving privileges in California.

This is a long process and a difficult one with two different appearances; one at the criminal court and one at DMV and that is why you need expert representation by a DUI/ DWI attorney or it will be a long way home when charged with a DUI or a DWI. By this home means back to everyday life with driving privileges in tact, without having to worry every day what might happen when you appear in court. The Los Angeles DUI attorney can put your mind and your life at ease.

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